Spa Pool Start Up – Chlorine
Spa Pool Start Up – Chlorine
- Allow water to circulate for approximately 1 hour then add 250 - 400g of Calcium Hardener.
- With filter running, wait for 20 minutes.
- Add 250-400g of PH Buffer with filter running, wait for 20 minutes.
- Test pH and adjust as necessary using either pH Increase to raise or pH Decrease to lower the level (using dessertspoon amounts). 7.2 to 7.4 is ideal.
- Allow water to circulate for approximately 30 minutes. Add 50g per 1,000L of Spa Chlor with filter running to initially oxidise the water
- After 20 minutes, test the water with the AquaChek Chlorine Test Strips to check that a 1-2 ppm Free Chlorine residual is maintained.
- Test and adjust pH accordingly – 7.2-7.4 is ideal
- Test Chlorine levels. Add Spa Chlor as required – always maintain a 1-2 ppm reading
- Super chlorinate (shock dose) the pool with 50g per 1,000L Spa Chlor
If required:
- Check and clean cartridge filter with hose.
- Use No Foam to control foaming
- Velvet Touch water enhancer giving the water a soft, velvety feel to the water. It clarifies and gives protection against corrosion
- Crystal Clear eliminates suspended dirt and organic matter that encourages bacteria and algae growth
- Change the water (depending on use)
- Clean Filter cartridge with Pool & Spa Filter Cleaner
Important Tip: Always add chemicals to water, not water to chemicals.
Please note this is a guide only.
Always consult your pool and spa professionals before adding anything to your spa.